About Us

We are a small faith-minded online shop founded by a couple of mamas that are committed to living a passionate and simplified life that focuses on what matters most -- to us -- that’s family and integrating faith into our daily lives. 

With our busy lives, we have found that it’s a lot easier to put faith into daily practice when we have reminders, 'hints', placed around us to help prompt us to take a pause… be mindful… check-in… realign… ask for guidance… express gratitude... pray! 

Jewelry pieces have been surprisingly effective ‘hints', providing multiple opportunities for prayerful… pause throughout the day.  They stay with us wherever we go.  They are something we intentionally put on in the morning and take off at night, and when we catch glimpse of them, either on our hands or in a mirror, they can act as cues to take pause.

While it's not a new idea, in the Bible, Moses encourages us to surround ourselves with the Lord's commands, decrees and laws to help us stay faithful...

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Keep these words in your heart that I am telling you today. Do your best to teach them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as something special to see on your hand and on your forehead. Write them beside the door of your house and on your gates. 

Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 (NLV)

... It still is effective. Our lives have benefitted so much from practicing regular prayerful... pause.  It is our desire to help other women do the same.  With that in mind, we have started a facebook page hints for prayerful… pause to connect with other women along the way.  We hope our regular posts will show up in your Facebook feed and be hints for prayerful... pause.

With hand-picked, many handmade, quality items at all price ranges, we hope our e-shop will be a trusted resource for ‘ hints ‘ you can gift to yourself and others.

We have many more products in the works, so be sure to sign up to be notified of new products + exclusive offers, and visit our page often.


Giving back...

 At the end of each quarter, 10% of our profits are donated to many different international, national, regional and local organizations that make the world a better place!

The organization of each quarter differs, but they all share the commitment to improve the lives of women and/or children. 

They include:

The Water Project https://thewaterproject.org/
International Rescue Community https://www.rescue.org/
The House of Ruth https://houseofruth.org
Humane Society of Missouri  http://hsmo.org/
Paradise Fire California Vocations  http://www.calvoc.org/
Advent conspiracy https://adventconspiracy.org/
On Faith Ministries Onfaithofm.weebly.com
Imago Dei Community http://idcpdx.com/
Ignite Hope, Strategic Prayer for Orphan Care


Plus we were able to donate in other ways to other great programs including:

Bus Stop Club www.busstopclub.com
2911 Group www.2911group.com


It feels great to be an instrument that God can work through. I encourage you to explore these organizations and see the work God is doing through them, as well.  

Thank you for your generous support, enabling us to pass it along! xo

(For a more detailed, personal account from idea through 1st year, check out this blog post: 

Wow! It's Been A Year!