Not my Will, But Thine -Lenten Walk

An intentional 40-day journey to seek, understand, and fully receive the gift of the Cross on Easter.
The 'Not Mine, but Thine' journey emphasizes introspection through prayer, journaling, and intentional silence to strengthen and hear the inner voice. It offers scripture verses, daily practices, and central questions to create a meaningful Lenten experience.
Surrounded by olive trees in the Garden of Gethsemane the long night before his crucifixion, as Jesus desperately prayed with petition and submission, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, be done."—Luke 22:42
Wear the 'Not Mine, but Thine' prayer bracelet each day to remind you that you are in your 40 Days Walk through Lent. This simple bracelet made of wooden beads will be a great daily reminder that I am in an intentional season: a time for introspection—to seek Jesus and reflect on His ultimate sacrifice on a wooden cross; for times of quiet questioning—to reflect and reject those things that have taken us away from Christ and refocus our lives with Christ as the Center.
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